Finatra 2 – From Nothing to Any
Hello there, today we’re going to learn how to use Twitter Finatra 2 .
This is a fully step by step tutorial (duration : 30-45 minutes), we start from having Nothing and we will end with a workable REST API behavior that can do almost Anything…
So let’s go.
Edit 2016/01/02 :
– Added github repository,
– Changed package names
First you’ll have to have (or install) theses software (I bet most of you already have them) :
- A computer and a keyboard (mouse is optional but useful though)
- JDK at least 1.8, you’ll find it there :
- SCALA: elegant functional programming language (a must learn when your ‘;‘ keyboard key is broken)
- SBT : Scala build tools
- A text editor, but I would recommend Jetbrain Intellij idea IDE, a nice fit for your scala projects
- Curl command line utility… or a browser, or Postman, or anything that can call and receive HTTP requests
Once everything is installed, make sure your sbt, java and scala command line are operational:
D:\DEV>java -version java version "1.8.0_72" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_72-b15) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.72-b15, mixed mode) D:\DEV>scala -version Scala code runner version 2.11.7 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL D:\DEV>sbt sbtVersion [info] Set current project to dev (in build file:/D:/DEV/) [info] 0.13.8
As there are NO differences between a Linux and a windows setup, I’ll deal with a windows one, as Linux guys will catch up easily (as the opposite is not always true).
Command line setup
So let’s assume we work on D:\DEV
mkdir finatra2-startup cd finatra2-startup
Once we are in the folder, let’s create the sbt built file, open your favorite editor and create a file named build.sbt
, inside you’ll add explicit params (adapt with your scala version) :
name := "my-api" version := "1.0" scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
Quite explicit…
Now we add some code, first create the source structure, recommended default structure is explained here
Scala sources and resource will be there :
mkdir src\main\scala mkdir src\main\resources
Finatra ‘ping / pong’
Finatra is a project based on Twitter Finagle so we need to add dependencies inside build.sbt
name := "my-api" version := "1.0" scalaVersion := "2.11.7" resolvers ++= Seq( Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases"), "Twitter Maven" at "" ) lazy val versions = new { val finatra = "2.1.2" } libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-http_2.11" % versions.finatra, "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-slf4j_2.11" % versions.finatra, "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-jackson_2.11" % versions.finatra )
Here we define 3 new things :
- resolvers : repositories where sbt will find and download dependencies
- lazy val versions : just a value that contains versions we will use (for instance only finatra but we’ll add other later
- libraryDependencies : Dependencies we need within this project (want to know more about these % meanings ?)
Let’s create a package structure and add 2 scala sources file to have a wonderful server. First file is the server, second file is a controller that will handle http requests.
create the package structure :
mkdir src\main\scala\fr\quidquid\my_api\controllers
Inside src\main\scala\fr\quidquid\my_api
, you create a file name MyAPIServer.scala
and put this code inside :
package fr.quidquid.my_api import com.twitter.finatra.http.HttpServer import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter import fr.quidquid.my_api.controllers._ object MyAPIMain extends MyAPIServer class MyAPIServer extends HttpServer { override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit = { router.add[TestsController] // We register the controllers we use } }
If you want to add other controllers, syntax would be :
override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit = { router .add[AuthController] .add[PublicController] .add[TestsController] }
Then inside the controller package src\main\scala\fr\quidquid\my_api\controllers
, you create a file name TestsController.scala
and put this code inside :
package fr.quidquid.my_api.controllers import javax.inject.Inject import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request import com.twitter.finatra.http.Controller class TestsController extends Controller { get("/ping") { request: Request => "pong" } }
Code is quite explicit, when server receive a GET request on /ping, it returns pong.
Now we can compile the application from your project’s root folder (where the build.sbt file is), with sbt compile
The first time you may have to download lots of dependencies, go and get a cup of tea…
D:\DEV\finatra2-startup>sbt compile [info] Loading project definition from D:\DEV\finatra2-startup\project [info] Set current project to my-api (in build file:/D:/DEV/finatra2-startup/) [info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to D:\DEV\finatra2-startup\target\scala-2.11\classes... [success] Total time: 4 s, completed 02 janv. 2016 14:40:12
Then if you have a success just run your app with sbt run
(yeah this one was though!)
D:\DEV\finatra2-startup>sbt run ... BLA .. ... BLABLA .. ... BLABLABLA .. I 0102 13:52:44.870 THREAD46: Serving admin http on I 0102 13:52:44.895 THREAD46: Finagle version 6.31.0 (rev=50d3bb0eea5ad3ed332111d707184c80fed6a506) built at 20151203-164135 I 0102 13:52:46.137 THREAD46: Tracer: com.twitter.finagle.zipkin.thrift.SamplingTracer
Everything seems ok.
If you have an error saying the server failed to bind the address because it’s already in use (this is my case), you can override the default port by adding command line parameters (via flags, we’ll see that later):
sbt "run -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:8889"
Then you can test your ping pong test controller ( curl or your favorite (or hated one) navigator, or via Postman, or WTF :
D:\DEV\finatra2-startup>curl pong
Testing your API
Ok I’m gonna show you how to write some tests, create the test package inside a test folder structure :
mkdir src\test\scala mkdir src\test\resources
Create the base package of our application:
mkdir src\test\scala\fr\quidquid\my_api
Inside src\test\scala\fr\quidquid\my_api
, you create a file name TestsControllerFeatureTest.scala
and put this code inside :
package fr.quidquid.my_api import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status import com.twitter.finatra.http.test.EmbeddedHttpServer import com.twitter.inject.server.FeatureTest class TestsControllerFeatureTest extends FeatureTest { override val server: EmbeddedHttpServer = new EmbeddedHttpServer( twitterServer = new MyAPIServer) "Tests - ping" in { server.httpGet( path = "/ping", andExpect = Status.Ok, withBody = "pong" ) } }
Notice that the package is the same as the server MyAPIServer.scala
(otherwise you would have to simply import it)
This tests starts an embedded server, and then calls the /ping with an http get request, and expects a response status 200 (ok) with ‘pong’ as an answser..
Before testing, we need to add dependencies for the embedded server so open your build.sbt and add new version values and dependencies inside your libraryDependencies
sequence :
lazy val versions = new { val finatra = "2.1.2" val logback = "1.1.3" val guice = "4.0" } libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-http_2.11" % versions.finatra, "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-slf4j_2.11" % versions.finatra, "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-jackson_2.11" % versions.finatra, "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-http_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test", "com.twitter.inject" % "inject-server_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test", "com.twitter.inject" % "inject-app_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test", "com.twitter.inject" % "inject-core_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test", "com.twitter.inject" %% "inject-modules" % versions.finatra % "test", "" % "guice-testlib" % versions.guice % "test", "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-jackson_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test", "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-http_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test" classifier "tests", "com.twitter.inject" % "inject-server_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test" classifier "tests", "com.twitter.inject" % "inject-app_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test" classifier "tests", "com.twitter.inject" % "inject-core_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test" classifier "tests", "com.twitter.inject" % "inject-modules_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test" classifier "tests", "" % "guice-testlib" % versions.guice % "test" classifier "tests", "com.twitter.finatra" % "finatra-jackson_2.11" % versions.finatra % "test" classifier "tests", "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.11" % "2.2.4" % "test", "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "2.3.12" % "test" )
D:\DEV\finatra2-startup>sbt test [info] Passed: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1 [success] Total time: 13 s, completed 02 janv. 2016 15:21:55
Everything is OK 🙂
Now you can add more tests or go on with any existing test library, framework, application you’re used to, that’s your problem now…
Database connection
Well, what would be an application without a database (yeah obviously it can be a lot of things, but for the sake of this tutorial let’s assume nothing could be done without a database) ?
There is no problem when you have 0 or 1 options, problems only exists when you have several options, as problems is to choose a solution!
Ok so at this point several possibilities, ORM or no ORM, SQL or NOSql…. AHHHHHHH!
This time I’ll answer for you, let’s pick (plouf plouf) a MySQL DB along with jooq and HikariCP.
– HikariCP is “A solid high-performance JDBC connection pool”
– Jooq is an almost ORM framework
For this we are going to do 3 things :
– add the database initialization as a Module (this way you’ll know how to add a module)
– database configuration will use twitter flags,
– we’ll add a WarmupHandler to init database before the server starts allowing http requests
isn’t is wonderful!
Twitter-util flags is a nice way to deal with configuration, as we add some command line arguments to the program (like -admin.port
we saw earlier)
We start by adding dependencies to our build.sbt file inside libraryDependencies
sequence :
libraryDependencies ++= Seq( ... previous dependencies ... , // do not copy this line but last line before has to end with a comma ',' // *************************************** // **** DB Stuffs "org.jooq" % "jooq" % "3.7.1", "org.jooq" % "jooq-meta" % "3.7.1", "org.jooq" % "jooq-codegen" % "3.7.1", "org.jooq" % "jooq-scala" % "3.7.1", "com.zaxxer" % "HikariCP" % "2.4.3", // **** SQL Drivers "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.4.190", "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.38", "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4-1206-jdbc42", "net.sourceforge.jtds" % "jtds" % "1.3.1", "org.apache.derby" % "derby" % "" // ***************************************
I added some typical jdbc drivers if you want to use another DB system.
Before creating the module and the warmup I suggest you a simplier approach in order to connect to your DB easely, and we will complexify right after
So create a database named quidquid_db
CREATE DATABASE quidquid_db;
create a simple (really simple) user table, enough for our purpose :
CREATE TABLE quidquid_db.users ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, password CHAR(42) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE INDEX (email) );
and add some data :
INSERT INTO quidquid_db.users (email, password) VALUES ( "", "FourTy2"); INSERT INTO quidquid_db.users (email, password) VALUES ( "tricia@millan.mac", "eArTh");
Oh my god passwords are in clear!
Now directly inside the MyAPIServe
r we’ll add the connection, this is bad but we will remove it as soon as possible!
Add the connection params (Type of variables are preceised even if you don’t need to ex :
val rs: ResultSet = ds.getConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql)
could be written :
val rs = ds.getConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql)
val db_props: Properties = new Properties db_props.setProperty("dataSourceClassName", "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.serverName", "") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.port", "3306") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.databaseName", "quidquid_db") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.user", "my_user") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.password", "my_secret" ) val ds: HikariDataSource = new HikariDataSource(new HikariConfig(db_props)) var db = DSL.using(ds, SQLDialect.MYSQL) val sql = "SELECT * FROM users" val rs: ResultSet = ds.getConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql) val result: Result[Record] = db.fetch(rs) println ( result )
Adapt with your own DB and needs : at least you’ll have to change the username and password.
Jooq configuration and usage see there :
So now the full MyAPIServer.scala
class looks like this (with all the imports) :
package fr.quidquid.my_api import java.sql.ResultSet import java.util.Properties import fr.quidquid.my_api.controllers._ import com.twitter.finatra.http.HttpServer import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter import com.zaxxer.hikari.{HikariConfig, HikariDataSource} import org.jooq.{Record, Result, SQLDialect} import org.jooq.impl.DSL import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ object MyAPIMain extends MyAPIServer class MyAPIServer extends HttpServer { override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit = { router.add[TestsController] } val db_props: Properties = new Properties db_props.setProperty("dataSourceClassName", "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.serverName", "") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.port", "3306") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.databaseName", "quidquid_db") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.user", "my_user") db_props.setProperty("dataSource.password", "my_secret" ) val ds: HikariDataSource = new HikariDataSource(new HikariConfig(db_props)) var db = DSL.using(ds, SQLDialect.MYSQL) val sql = "SELECT * FROM users" val rs: ResultSet = ds.getConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql) val result: Result[Record] = db.fetch(rs) println( result ) }
Just launch your server with : sbt "run -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:8889"
and you should see this output somewhere in the logs:
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
+----+-----------------+--------+ | id|email |password| +----+-----------------+--------+ | 1| |FourTy2 | | 2|tricia@millan.mac|eArTh | +----+-----------------+--------+ |
If you want to retrieve row by row just replace println( result )
by :
for (r:Record <- result) { val id = r.getValue("id") val email = r.getValue("email") val pass = r.getValue("password") println("User : " + id + ", " + email + ", " + pass + "\n") }
In order to make this loop work import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
otherwise you’ll have an error (value filter is not a member of
) during compilation
Note that HikariCP deals with the statement and connection close stuffs…
Database connection module
Now your database connection is operational, we are going to move the database initialization inside a module and take advantage of the flags mecanism.
So we create the modules package : mkdir src\main\scala\fr\quidquid\my_api\modules
And create the DBConfModule.scala
source file with inside the code we move out of MyAPIServer.scala
package fr.quidquid.my_api.modules import java.util.Properties import import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule /** * Reads from flags. * Flag usage by starting server with arguments ex: * java -jar target/myserver-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ * -db.class=com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource \ * -db.port=3306 \ * -db.user=my_user -db.pass=my_secret */ object DBConfModule extends TwitterModule { val ds_class = flag("db.class", "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource", "Mysql for dev") val ds_host = flag("", "", "Host name or IP address. (") val ds_port = flag("db.port", "3306", "Database port. (3306)") val ds_name = flag("", "quidquid_db", "Database name. (quidquid_db)") val ds_user = flag("db.user", "my_user", "DB user name") val ds_pass = flag("db.pass", "my_secret", "The password") @Provides def get_props: Properties = { val db_props: Properties = new Properties db_props.setProperty("dataSourceClassName", ds_class()) db_props.setProperty("dataSource.serverName", ds_host()) db_props.setProperty("dataSource.port", ds_port()) db_props.setProperty("dataSource.databaseName", ds_name()) db_props.setProperty("dataSource.user", ds_user()) db_props.setProperty("dataSource.password", ds_pass()) db_props } }
This object extends TwitterModule and defines values obtained via twitter flag, a flag is defined like this :
val my_val = flag( "key", "default value", "description" )
In the scaladoc you’ll find flags argument to pass to your program if you want to override params, in test, or production (db host, user / password / …) easily, example:
sbt "run -db.user=prod_user -db.pass=dfRT564hg!lN$12DsFr"
We could now add a convention over configuration mechanism based on a parser that takes all flags starting with ‘db.’ and putting them into the Properties for us… but that’s not the point here.
In the function get_props
we just create a Properties that will be used by Jooq to instanciate the DB connection’s pool
Now we have to tell the MyAPIServer
that it has to load a module, just add inside MyAPIServer.scala
override val modules = Seq( DBConfModule )
don’t forget to import it first :
import fr.quidquid.my_api.modules.DBConfModule
Now we just create an object DBSupport.scala
inside the fr.quidquid.my_api package
(you could place it where you want) that will help us to deal with DB context :
package fr.quidquid.my_api import java.util.Properties import com.zaxxer.hikari.{HikariConfig, HikariDataSource} import org.jooq.impl.DSL import org.jooq.{DSLContext, SQLDialect} object DBSupport { var db: DSLContext = _ var ds: HikariDataSource = _ def db_configure(db_props: Properties) { ds = new HikariDataSource(new HikariConfig(db_props)) db = DSL.using(ds, SQLDialect.MYSQL) } }
This object will keep for us the DSLContext variable, that we will use for every DB related requests
Previously the database was initialized directly from the MyAPIServer class. Now we will move it inside a WarmupHandler that will make the http server wait for the end of the initialization before allowing connections to controllers.
Create the class MyAPIWarmupHandler.scala
and put it into the modules
Add this code inside :
package fr.quidquid.my_api.modules import java.util.Properties import javax.inject.Inject import fr.quidquid.my_api.DBSupport import com.twitter.finatra.utils.Handler class MyAPIWarmupHandler @Inject()(db_props: Properties) extends Handler { override def handle() = { DBSupport.db_configure(db_props) } }
The @Inject()(db_props: Properties)
is just an injection of what we loaded before in the DBConfModule: the DB connection properties red from flags arguments.
Adapt the MyAPIServer class
in order to add this module :
override def warmup() { run[MyAPIWarmupHandler]() }
So the full MyAPIServer class
looks like this (note that it is still small and readable) :
package fr.quidquid.my_api import fr.quidquid.my_api.controllers._ import fr.quidquid.my_api.modules.{DBConfModule, MyAPIWarmupHandler} import fr.twitter.finatra.http.HttpServer import fr.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter object MyAPIMain extends MyAPIServer class MyAPIServer extends HttpServer { override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit = { router.add[TestsController] } override val modules = Seq( DBConfModule ) override def warmup() { run[MyAPIWarmupHandler]() } }
Now the database is initialized we just have to add a new controller path in order to list users.
Inside the controllers
open the TestsController.scala
and add a new function to reflect this:
package fr.quidquid.my_api.controllers import java.sql.ResultSet import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request import com.twitter.finatra.http.Controller import org.jooq.{Result, Record} import fr.quidquid.my_api.DBSupport._ class TestsController extends Controller { get("/ping") { request: Request => "pong" } get("/users") { request: Request => val sql = "SELECT * FROM users" val rs: ResultSet = ds.getConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql) val result: Result[Record] = db.fetch(rs) result } }
Start your server:
sbt "run -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:8889"
and test your new endpoint:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
D:\DEV\finatra2-startup>curl +----+-----------------+--------+ | id|email |password| +----+-----------------+--------+ | 1| |FourTy2 | | 2|tricia@millan.mac|eArTh | +----+-----------------+--------+ |
Not really usable isn’t it?
Let’s make that nicer and more computer friendly. Objectives :
– Parsing the result from database
– put them inside a scala case class
– convert to json
3 really easy steps :
Create a case class named User.scala
inside your controllers
package. You’ll change that to any dto or vo, or pojo or poso or whateveryoucallit package later, it doesn’t matter for our purpose…
package fr.quidquid.my_api.controllers case class User(id: Int, email: String, password:String)
This one was hard…
And just change your TestController get("/users")
function to parse the request, instantiate User case class and send a json response :
get("/users") { request: Request => val sql = "SELECT * FROM users" val rs: ResultSet = ds.getConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql) val result: Result[Record] = db.fetch(rs) var list = new ListBuffer[User]() for (r: Record <- result) { val id: Int = r.getValue("id").asInstanceOf[Int] val email: String = r.getValue("email").asInstanceOf[String] val pass: String = r.getValue("password").asInstanceOf[String] list += User(id, email, pass) } response.ok.json(list) }
With these new imports :
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
Once again, don’t forget to import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
or you’ll have compilation problems => value filter is not a member of ...
Launch your server once again
sbt "run -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:8889"
and call your api :
D:\DEV\finatra2-startup>curl [{"id":1,"email":"","password":"FourTy2"},{"id":2,"email":"tricia@millan.mac","password":"eArTh"}]
Formatted view:
[{ "id" : 1, "email" : "", "password" : "FourTy2" }, { "id" : 2, "email" : "tricia@millan.mac", "password" : "eArTh" }]
And what about flags
Previously we used the flags system. so you can now try it easily. Try launching this one and you’l probably have HikaryCP being not very polite :
sbt "run -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:8889 -db.user=prod_user -db.pass=dfRT564hg!lN$12DsFr"
the flags are an extremely simple solution to override parameters on different environments.
And what about warmup
That’s right you had to believe me when I said the HTTP server was waiting for the WarmupHandler to end before allowing external connections, but you ca test it easily:
Launch your server with wrong DB credentials or a wrong IP address and while it’s checking the DB connection (30s timeout by default), you can try to access the ping / pong function :
sbt "run -http.port=:8888 -admin.port=:8889"
D:\DEV\finatra2-startup>curl curl: (7) Failed connect to; No error
Warmup is fully operational !
Have a lovely day
Thanks for using jOOQ in your article! 🙂
Just a short note: The way you currently access the JDBC connection to get a ResultSet is not optimal, as the Connection, Statement, and ResultSet resources are currently not properly closed:
val rs: ResultSet = ds.getConnection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql)
val result: Result[Record] = db.fetch(rs)
Better, let jOOQ manage these resources for you:
val result: Result[Record] = db.fetch(sql)
Hope this helps,
Lukas from the jOOQ team
Thank you for the precision, I thought the statement was automatically closing as we have to specify if we want to reuse it.
I found it here :
I’ll edit the source this week 🙂
Thanks the tutorials.Can you add some tutorial about template and some configration? I can’t find a way to make my browser fetch my js and css.
Well, I’m mostly using it for pure APIs.
On this page you can find at least a Mustache template renderer.